An Awesome Design Schmiede

Our Passion For What We Do Transfers Into Our Products

Children and parents will feel the difference.

App Development

We develop and market apps exclusively for iOS and Androide devices.


A collection of interesting and educational ebooks

Unique Products

Unique products and with a design and features that will blow your mind.

A little Bit About Us

We are a creative and innovative “Design and Idee Schmiede”. Schmiede is the German word for a blacksmith’s workshop. In the internet age we forge ideas and develop and redevelop our products and services like a blacksmith until they reach the right consistency and meet our own personal high standards. Work is ongoing and the work we do defines us and inspires us to seek a path of perfection and mastery.

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Our Skills



Graphic Design


Responsive Web Design


iOS Development


JavaScript Game Development


Play is often talked about as if it were a relief from serious learning. But for children, play is serious learning.

Mr. Rogers

It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge.

Albert Einstein

If a child cannot learn the way 'we' teach, maybe we should teach the way 'they' learn.

Ignacio Estrada

From the very beginning of his education, the child should experience the joy of discovery.

Alfred North Whitehead
Amazing Drawings
Awesome Ideas
GitHub Repo's
Cups of Coffee

We Are Designers. We Are Innovators. We are ‘WE, the Brain People’.

You have ideas, suggestions or need support? We would love to hear from you! Get In Touch